Mayterm 2025 Israel Mayterm

So maybe you’ve known about the Bible all your life...But have you ever hiked from Jerusalem to Jericho? Seen Mt. Zion? Taken a boat across the Sea of Galilee?

这个学期的目的是让你走出教室,进入以色列故事的真实空间. 三周内,基地将在耶路撒冷老城的城墙外 Jerusalem University College (JUC)--one day a week in the classroom; six days a week on the road.

You’ll travel south to the ancient city of Arad, see the Makhtesh Ramon, and visit the Nabatean city of Avdat. You’ll hike Masada at sunrise, float in the Dead Sea, 并参观美丽的因基底泉,那是大卫和跟随他的人躲避扫罗的地方. You’ll visit the Jezreel valley where Deborah and Barak fought Sisera, climb Mt. Carmel where Elijah stood down the prophets of Baal, visit the Philistine city of Ashkelon, and climb on the Roman Aqueduct at Caesarea. 你的第三次实地考察是去加利利海,耶稣和他的门徒在那里传道. 在这里,你将站在耶稣向他的追随者们托付“大使命”的山上,然后徒步下山. Arbel (complete with climbing cabels). 最后,我们将转向戈兰高地的北端,在那里,白雪覆盖的山坡上. Hermon animate the skyline, and the UN forces protect the barbed-wire and bunkers of the modern border. 在这些遗址中,你将亲自探索以色列过去和现在的真实空间.

Coursework & JUC Program

学生将在出发前花大约20个小时学习圣经文本的叙述 geographically. You will identify the topography, soil, and waterways of the “holy land” on military-grade maps, 然后画出你在真实的空间和时间里所熟知的故事.

Upon arriving in Israel, the encounter begins. With your home base at Jerusalem University College, 你将徒步旅行所有这些地图空间,并参与现场讲座有关的人和事件占据了他们. 你将参观考古遗址和博物馆,以便看到以色列历史上真正的文物. On your free days you will join the crowds in the Old City, interacting with Orthodox Jews from all over Europe, devout Muslims, 在种族灭绝中幸存下来的亚美尼亚基督徒和各种各样的基督徒. The William F. 奥尔布赖特研究所(Albright Institute)是该地区的考古中心,就在萨拉丁街(Saladin Street)上. 乔治是一所圣公会教区和学校,长期致力于该市的阿拉伯基督徒. You will be evaluated based on your enthusiastic (and pleasant!) participation in all aspects of the program.

RS 155 will fulfill GE Thinking Globally and GE Thinking Historically, as well as RS elective credit. Prerequisites: RS-001 Introduction to Old Testament; RS-010 Introduction to New Testament. 如果您对先决条件有疑问或无法在学期前完成,请联系Richter教授.

Class schedule available HERE.

Course syllabus available HERE.


JUC’s program is academically and physically rigorous, including up to twelve hour days in the field or longer. 实地研究包括数小时的步行、站立和几次徒步旅行(尽管有些是可选的)。. 在公共汽车上,你可以坐上一整天,坐上很长时间. 然而,学生们应该期待一个高强度的体育项目,并计划出汗.

For more information about The Geographical & Historical Settings of the Bible click HERE

In fulfillment of PEA 94, 每周六天,学生们将参加包括城市旅游在内的集体体育活动, hiking up and climbing down the mountains of Israel, swimming in the Sea of Galilee, desert hikes, 并在古老的废墟中穿行,以真正体验圣地的景观. 他们将学习如何在激烈的运动中体贴地照顾身体,同时也被鼓励反思他们的身体经历如何通知和加深他们对圣经的理解. This physical engagement will result in greater insight into the biblical text (e.g. 诗篇121:5——“耶和华在你右边荫庇你”),培养对圣经中几千年前在同样的地方游荡的人物的同情心. 学生也将被期望在他们的空闲时间从事独立的体育活动. 在五月学期的几个星期里,他们将有机会养成健康的生活习惯, such as consistently seeking options for life-giving exercise, healthy eating, and diligently tracking their physical activity in a log. When staying in JUC, they will have access to the college’s weight room, basketball court, and lawn games.

journeying at gezer


  • Class standing
  • GPA (minimum 2.3 gpa for eligibility)
  • Application and essays
  • Personal and faculty recommendations

Program Criteria

In addition to the general qualifications above, the following requirements must be met, with or without reasonable accommodation, in order to complete all essential elements of the program. All participants must be able to:

  • 定期参加基于当地饮食的公共餐,对食物的选择控制有限.
  • Tolerate local diet with limited control over food choices in most locations.
  • Anticipate possible exposure to peanut or other food allergens.
  • 在多个不规则的表面上行走,每天可以独立行走10英里. (Extensive walking, 以及穿越古老的城镇和狭窄的通道和许多楼梯, is part of the daily life of the program.)
  • 在没有帮助的情况下携带个人物品,包括手提箱和/或背包.
  • 尽管获得心理服务的机会有限,但预期有足够的情绪健康,以安全成功地充分参与该计划.
  • 如果不是所有地点,预计至少会有两个人入住.
  • 至少在计划开始前两周接受最后一剂Covid疫苗. 

Cost & Dates

Approx. $5300 + Airfare (includes tuition, room, board, and in-country travel.学生将负责往返机票和校园住宿费, if requested, for the two days of classes prior to departure. The program on site will run May 7-June 2, 2024.


Now accepting applications for Spring 2024. For more info about the program, contact Dr. Richter at