Westmont杂志 Walking Through Westmont with St. 奥古斯汀

每年, Westmont enrolls about 60 Augustinian Scholars, 获得重要的年度奖励(高达学费的85%)并通过奥古斯丁学者计划参加荣誉课程和研讨会的学生. 他们首先探索奥古斯丁和基督教知识传统,以及作为基督教职业的学术观念, 了解到追求真理需要一生的旅程,这段旅程塑造了他们的ag娱乐官网和生活. They investigate how to understand and serve society — churches, 家庭, ag娱乐官网, politics and more — and become faithful citizens. The demanding yet stimulating curriculum features classical and contemporary readings, 写作作业, 讨论, 客座演讲, external activities and opportunities for spiritual formation.


在他们的第二年和第三年, Augustinians enroll in one or more one-unit honors seminars on a range of topics, 比如好故事, 职业要求, 人际关系, 教会, stewardship and encountering creation. 他们在获得灵性形成的机会的同时,加深了他们在项目中的持续联系和智力团契, service and preparation to launch well from college. The program gives them flexibility to pursue diverse majors, 校外项目, ag娱乐官网, arts activities and other initiatives.

Dr. 詹姆斯·泰勒哲学

结束他们的大学生涯, 学者们分享了一个顶点的经验,提供了对他们作为奥古斯丁教徒所探索的主题的持续反思, 使他们与神同行更深, 并鼓励他们从威斯蒙特大学毕业后在生活的各个领域继续成长.

Jesse Covington, professor of political science, directs the program. “我们的目标是挑战, support and connect academically gifted students, 帮助他们忠心地培养神所赐给他们的恩赐,并努力预备他们忠心地将这些恩赐投资于这个世界,他说. 该计划明确地以基督教的形成为导向——相信追求真理的心灵生活与ag娱乐官网生活和追求真理的那一位是不可避免地联系在一起的. 我们把精力集中在 诚实: answering God’s call to steward our gifts well wherever that may take us.”

How well does the program achieve its goals? What impact does the 奥古斯丁学者计划 make on the students who participate? Read what current and alumni Augustinians say about their experiences. Do you know a high school student who may be interested in the program? 与他们分享这个故事.



As I’ve read through each historic book, engaged in each invigorating discussion, and explored each critical question, 奥古斯丁学者计划在我的智力和精神发展中扮演了最重要的角色之一. 也许我最感激的是它给我介绍的声音,比如Ávila的特蕾莎,詹姆斯K. A. Smith, Blaise Pascal, the persecuted church and of course St. 奥古斯汀, which continue to inform my life beyond classroom walls.

菲比卢, 23岁



This program is a testimony to God’s goodness in my life. 我来到大学,希望在人际关系和职业抱负上有所成长,而上帝把我带到这里,是为了整合和深化我的智力和精神欲望. I had never taken a philosophy or theology class, and the 奥古斯丁学者计划 was a steep learning curve. 然而, 与其他学生一起经历严格的课程让我建立了伟大的友谊,也在更深层次上了解了我的兴趣. 这个项目为我如何认识自己、追求与上帝同在的有意义的生活奠定了基础. 我现在在医学院,仍然重温一些话题,并与项目中的人保持联系. Those four years together were an eye-opening, fruitful and humbling experience of intellectual inquiry and spiritual formation. I feel lucky for how generously the program has invested in me and my future.



Encouraging One Another to Grow In Faith

作为一个奥古斯丁学者, I had the opportunity to practice the integration of faith and scholarly activities. 苏格拉底式的研讨会为同学和教授提供了深思熟虑的机会, while heartfelt conversations continued at lunch tables and in dormitories. 我更明白了生活在一个繁荣的ag娱乐官网和过上最好的生活意味着什么, 但现在. 我们的学习让我从多个学科和角度来理解世界. 我们的默想和谈话围绕着我们良善美丽的神,这样我们就可以彼此鼓励,加深对我们的主和救主的了解,这是多么奇妙啊, 耶稣基督. As a student of the Christian liberal arts in the medical profession, I am exceedingly grateful for our amazingly brilliant teachers, who encouraged me to examine the integration of the whole person. 现在,我准备好与大家分享如何成为一名敬畏上帝的医生和科学家,为了上帝的荣耀,同情地、忠实地为她的ag娱乐官网服务.



Addressing The Largest Questions in Life

In just one year of the 奥古斯丁学者计划, my thought life has grown exponentially related to God’s agency, 我们ag娱乐官网上帝的论据,以及ag娱乐官网作为我们理解造物主旅程起点的重要性. I better see how God speaks to us through stories and experiences. 我对上帝如何呼召我们成为更广泛文化中充满爱心的成员有了更深的理解. 奥古斯丁计划继续解决我所面临的最大问题,并以一种启发性和建设性的方式这样做. 我的知识, spiritual and social life at Westmont and beyond have been deeply changed, and I’m sincerely grateful for this formation.



Seminars Offer a Breath Of Fresh Air

Entering the Augustinian program has been an unmistakable and utter gift. 它为我提供了优质的思想食粮,并让我建立了一些我所培养过的最丰富的人际关系. I am genuinely grateful for the proximity to my professors, who are approachable and deeply kind in addition to being seasoned and knowledgeable. 奥古斯丁研讨会(尤其是第二年和第三年的专题研讨会)的亲密感就像一股新鲜空气.

丽贝卡·李 ' 24


Walking with 奥古斯汀 During Difficult And Joyful Times

I wouldn’t be the same without Westmont and the Augustinian program, which made attending here possible. 我克服了最大的问题和恐惧,并通过我优秀的教授认识了上帝的信实, 导师和朋友. 奥古斯丁陪伴着我度过了最艰难、最怀疑的时刻,也陪伴着我度过了与耶稣同在的最快乐的时刻, offering challenge and comfort through “Confessions of St. 奥古斯汀.这个程序, 和整个韦斯特蒙, gave me the space and tools to seek after the hard answers I yearned for. As I embark on my journey in international medical missions, my Augustinian experience has equipped me to love the world humbly, share the gospel boldly and serve eagerly.

瑞秋Gorelik, 22岁



Coming from a large public high school, 我对自己身处一个由智力天赋和标准很高的基督徒组成的小ag娱乐官网感到担忧. In the 奥古斯丁学者计划, 我发现了一群亲密无间的人, loving classmates who would push my intellectual capacities. I saw how Christians throughout history wrestled with the same questions I have. Deep friendships were born through thoughtful, intimate conversation and genuine involvement in each other’s lives. I’ve realized that intellect matters and so does living a good life. The program stresses intellectual flourishing as well as the embodiment of our faith. 这个项目证明了上帝在我生命中的信实——他的指引之手通过教授带领我与他建立了更深的关系, 阅读和交友.

英里Ozorio, 25岁


Its Impact On Me Has Just Begun

In a world that often values new and upcoming ideas, 多亏了奥古斯丁学者计划,我接触到了经得起时间考验的思想和真理. St. 奥古斯汀, Kierkegaard, Aquinas and C. S. 刘易斯感动了我,塑造了今天的我:一个追求有序爱情的女人, believes faith and reason can be held together, and has truly come to know from St. 奥古斯汀 that “our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” In our seminars we wrestled with deep questions of epistemology, being chosen by God and how the world’s brokenness and God’s sovereignty can coincide. These questions and conversations became prominent in D.C. meals, late-night couch conversations, and beach walks. Seeking truth has been fulfilling and meaningful, and the mentorship and wisdom of professors has been invaluable. I dare to say that the program’s impact on me has just begun.



Exploring Truth with an Incredible Community

进入Westmont, I was beyond excited for the Augustinian program, 我被我这群学生的能力和我周围人的性格所震撼. 我喜欢在我们讨论刺激性问题时了解我的同学和教授. 课堂上的讨论变成了与朋友在晚餐或宿舍里的对话, I quickly learned how much I don’t know. 我喜欢在一个令人难以置信的ag娱乐官网中追求真理——这真的是一种令人谦卑的经历. I’ve forged meaningful relationships, 与更多我不想回答的问题搏斗,并发现了各种基督教传统的丰富性. 我明白了成功不在于结果,而在于你对上帝赐予你的东西有多忠诚. 我找到了快乐和自由,重新定位我的愿望,更好地理解我的天赋和呼召,这样我就可以成为一个更好的朋友和上帝王国的公民.
