Travel Program 保险 for Students

Here is an overview of the insurance and assistance program provided for students on Westmont travel programs (including our International Assistance Program [IAP]; plus some domestic benefits). Certain policy guidelines, definitions, amplifications and/or exclusions will apply. 



  • 紧急医疗后送 (金额不限) 
    • 100% of covered expenses for transportation, plus medical supervision en route ("whatever it takes" subject to industry best practices, the judgment of the professionals handling the case, 以及保单条款). Medical services on the ground at both ends are not covered under this provision, and must be funded by other coverages or means.
    • (The ISIC programs linked below show limits that differ from those noted here. This is because we use a different provider for "MedEvac" in order to have access to higher limits and enhanced program services.)
  • 紧急医疗 (最高一万元) 
    • Procedures to help guarantee payment for a medical provider or for hospital admission or discharge, when approved in advance and up to the specified limits. Final liability is with the student and any insurance benefits available under other programs to which they may have access.
  • General Medical (up to $25,000, or optionally more)
    • Students on abroad programs are automatically enrolled in the ISIC基础程序, which offers coverage tailored to the needs of foreign travelers. Students or their parents may elect to upgrade to the ISIC高级或资源管理器 plans at a modest cost, which provides increased coverage limits. Note about personal insurance coverage: Some but not all parental medical insurance plans offer worldwide coverage, and may need to be notified in advance of your intention to be abroad.
    • The ISIC plan is modest and supplemental, designed as a "safety net" for small to moderate medical costs. The best approach for medical incidents abroad can be to pay in cash at the time (if possible) and then work with your own provider upon your return to coordinate reimbursement. 
  • 紧急团聚 (总津贴最高为12,500元) 
    • If a student is confined to a hospital for over 24 hours, or is the victim of a felonious assault, an immediate family member can request approval to travel to accompany the student at economy airfare rates for up to ten days at $300/day in lodging.
  • 意外死亡 & 肢解(最高25,000元)
    • 100% for loss of life, or two or more members (eg, foot and hand), or quadriplegia
    • 50% for one member, or hemiplegia, or paraplegia
    • 25% for thumb and index finger of same hand, or uniplegia 
  • 遗体遣返 (no specified dollar limits except as indicated) 
    • Covers the most economical means of transporting mortal remains (including and after embalming or cremation [per family preference]).
    • 最高可覆盖2美元,500 for a family member or companion, who had been traveling with the deceased, 陪伴遗体.


  • Replacement of Lost or Stolen Travel Documents: assistance in taking the necessary steps to replace passports, 票, and other important travel documents.
  • Translation Services: multilingual assistance coordinators are available to provide immediate verbal translation assistance in a variety of languages in an emergency; and/or referrals to local interpreter services as necessary.
  • Central clearinghouse for emergency medical situations 
  • Medical and legal services can be advanced when necessary for treatment or release. 然而, 这些费用必须报销, typically with a combination of parental or school insurance, or via direct reimbursement by the traveler.
  • Transfer of Funds: emergency cash advance subject to first securing funds from family or other source.
  • Emergency Travel Arrangements: assistance with new reservations for airlines, 酒店, and other travel services in the event of an Illness or Injury or Emergency Security Situation.
  • Legal Referrals: assistance in locating an attorney and/or securing a bail bond.
  • Message Transmittals: send and receive emergency messages toll-free, 一天24小时, through an Emergency Response Center.

For designated sponsored excursions (Inoculum, 印记, and student leadership summer retreat), all of the 主要好处 specified above, 除了:

  • 增加了意外医疗费用 (最高一万元) 
    • Specified covered medical expenses limited to usual and customary charges and the total benefit limit 
  • 意外死亡 & 肢解上限为10,000美元 

The Westmont program does not cover items or costs not specified above or in the referenced policies, 包括:

  • Luggage or other personal property*
  • Trip interruption, delay or cancellation
  • 取消旅行的学费
  • 个人责任 

Some of these losses can be insured independetly. You may wish to reSearch and secure a policy online or from whatever other sources seem good to you. 

* - Note that airline lost-luggage reimbursement will typically not cover computers, 珠宝, 处方或现金. 


If you have questions not answered here or at the links provided above, please 电子邮件 风险管理总监.